Dandy Don just reported that there is a new SEC rule which prohibits teams from signing more than 28 players, 25 plus 3 Jr. College placements basically, in a year. No longer will schools such as Ole Miss be able to take 30 something recruits according to D.D.. Can anyone verify this? I think this would be a good rule if accurate and would help us, since I can't ever recall us ever signing more than 28.
Well Saban's method of signing 42 per year while forcing out 15-20 players is what is being challenged here. Truth be told.
:huh: Saban never over signed by a large amount. I'm definitely in the Saban hater fan club so I'm not taking up for him. Unless you're joking your post is rather confusing. It's definitely the Houston Nutt rule, not sure why they didn't just call it that.
4 over 25 last year 6 over in 2008 I consider not signing over by much to be 2 or 3 prospects but 10 over the last 2 years is a lot.
He's exaggerating, but he signed a bunch in '08. http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/TeamRank.asp?postype=0&sort=0&year=2008
Thank you. And he kicked off quite a few players. Some of them deservedly so, I 'spose. I could have sworn he signed 33 his first year. Is that 2007?
I think he only signed 25 in '07. He didn't have enough time to sign that many. There are quite a few transfers going on right now at Bama. They have to lose some players this year, and on the surface, these transfers seem amicable.