BOOM! 5-4. You’re welcome. Giving it back to you guys now. I need one inning out of you, one out of tirk and one out of BengalB. Shane is benched- keep hom away from the ball girls and Yall don’t phuck it up.
I hadnt realized it was an abbreviated game- lucky for us I didnt have to go to far in the pen and not rely on tirk amd Bengal B - the latter whose arm is purty tow up from tossin off.
I predict zero walks today. Enjoy the reprieve this Sunday. Get your asses in a pew and pray- and dont forget to pull out that wallet when the collection basket comes.
Clearly the change to daylight savings time has scrambled the few brain cells you had left. I'll donate to a pedophile holy man as soon as martin (@Jmg ) does.