i went to the game. will wade loves a barn burner. they buries three threes in the last minute, and that finish was wild. i was positive he was late gtting that shot off. i was right. good times.
my mistake i linked sagarin from last year its actually not 19, its 20 https://www.usatoday.com/sports/ncaab/sagarin/2020/team/
andy katz has LSU at 10 https://www.ncaa.com/video/basketba...ankings-heres-why-baylor-ranked-ahead-gonzaga
6-0 and still a work in progress; WW deserves credit and I believe he’ll get this team to continue to improve. I think we saw a glimpse of our potential when LSU started pulling away from FU, one of the better SEC teams. Despite not having a perfect game.