I understand your point. But you have to admit the irony is thick; AND one would expect that turn about would be true with past wrongs committed against Alabama athletes families.
Its called the "90% of the people with whom I work attended Southern, are big SU football supporters, and tell me as much" study... I hear the same from students. Many still see LSU as the "white school".
It is. I have family in Alabama that feel the same way about Bama as some in Louisiana feel about LSU. I know a number of Louisiana people who yell Roll Tide out of pure anger at LSU. I know people who lump all the "flagships" into one boat and say to hell with all of them. Most of the time though, the one that's most prevalent in your life...typically the one where you live, is the one that gives the most raw feelings. It's a broad spectrum of folks. One thing is certain now, there are way more black LSU fans today than there were 20 years ago.
Winning helps. Without a deep connection installed at a young age, people are attracted to excellence and/or what benefits me (capitalism). Bama overtook LSU in this when Saban took over in Tuscaloser.
I just find that odd. Isn't it inherent for one to claim or want to represent the place you are from?
So, these families support only HBCs? pretty much every university in America once held that policy. Any evidence that this is the reason?
In many cases, yes. A lot of the older generation...and I'm speaking for Louisiana here...represent Southern or Grambling and that's it. It's what they lived. Sometimes that passed on to their heirs, sometimes it faded. My evidence is life. I opened the window. You can look in if you want. Up to you.