I'm a Tiger fan, just like the site says. I read on this site often. Although, there seems to be less and less reason. There's not a lot of intelligent conversation anymore. That's why I originally joined this site, for intelligent conversation. Now it's seems there's just a lot of name calling and ridicule back and forth now. It just doesn't seem to be very productive. I realize you're next move will be to break down my post and shoot holes in everything I've said but I just don't care. This used to be an enjoyable place to discuss LSU football but it's not anymore. If I want to see this type of behavior on a forum I could just go to a larger one like Tiger Droppings. I'll still check in for BHelm's recruiting nuggets. That guy seems to have his crap together. Enjoy arguing. Later fellas.
Contribute, man. I made an optimistic post the other day, we do try to have substantial conversations from time to time. The optimists have thinned out since the end of last year, to be sure. BHelm is good. But if you just can't take it anymore and have to hit the bricks, peace. We ain't got nothing on TDs, though. That place is like a refugee camp.
Hey, if I of all people made a positive, uplifting sunshine thread it can't be all that bad. Funny that someone is in it bitching about doom and gloom. Wow
So start a conversation then. How can you complain about lack of intelligent conversation when all you are doing is basically bitching about people bitching?
Anyway, Lets all take a stab at who we think will be the starters on O and D in the Wisconsin game: Geaux...