Tough audience. I try to take it one sentence at a time. Stay focused with my main points and away from adjectives that create unnecessary clutter and self-gratification. Ain't easy folks, especially that self-gratification part.
It's pretty simple with me, K. I know the two guys who cleaned his locker out. I trust them more than I do anyone on this story. Put yourself in my shoes for a minute. Should I take them (both I've known for awhile) at their word or should I not? He wasn't denied use of the facilities. He was NOT allowed to work out with the team. He quit. Why should he be allowed to work out with the team? I mentioned the fact he wasn't working out with the team about a month ago on my site. I've no problem with that decision. At all. Now, I've not mentioned any other player or transfer situation here; or anywhere. Do put that on me. But since you've brought it up let's go there. Johnathan Taylor, who played at Georgia, wasn't a transfer. So, the statement "he took one in" doesn't even apply. He was dismissed from UGA by Richt. That's not a transfer. Here's what I find a little ironic. You've been quick to point out how the media hasn't done their proper vetting on stories coming out of USC. But, when it applies to another school you seem to be, readily, willing to accept the story being told as truth. Do you see the dichotomy here?
kcal, as soon as he took the UGA job he's not "in the fold." There were more than a handful wishing him luck when he took the UGA job. My response was "hell no." As in, "HELL NO!" I did expect Saban and Smart to butt heads, but I didn't expect it this quickly. I know what kind of recruiter Kirby is (and has been.) As mentioned, it's two guys/coaches in a pissing contest. How he's chosen to play this game is a little surprising, but knowing the UGA network it really didn't come as a shock in retrospect. I've seen Rodney Garner play this game for years. As an example, I know of several parents of recruits that have been given Mo Smith's mother's cell phone number. There are people associated with UGA that are giving her number out in an effort to sway the opinions of recruits. It's all about recruiting, I get that. But, to think this isn't orchestrated? Come on. While recruiting is a cut-throat business, I see no need for Smart to go to this extreme. But then again, what's he recruiting to? A perennial underachieving program..
You're right, and wrong. If you transfer to another SEC school you have to sit a year. So, it's OK with you to have a coach commenting on a recruit when it's against the by-laws of the NCAA. OK, let's set that aside for a minute. Taylor wasn't a transfer.
Pisses me off that they did, tirk. Bad move if we look at the precedent that may be set here. Do you want your fifth year seniors, who have graduated, to be openly recruited by other SEC schools? Or, are you going to ignore this question for the second time (with my Corey question?) Hell, if they change the rules in the spring, OK! That's fine with me. I like Bama's chances recruiting better than anyone's in the SEC right now. Do you want that added to what's already an advantage?