Mike Gundy lives in an alternative universe where Unicorns carry him onto and off the field if he thinks that his 2011 team could have scored 3 TD's on our 2011 team, much less have beat us by 3 TD's. That man got into some of the good stuff in the off season and happened by a reporter.....no other explanation for that kind of nonsense-talk.
You talking Mauck vs Tennessee in 01? Yeah he did, but I still wouldn't consider him a prototypical "dual threat" mike Vick, Seneca Wallace, yes... Mauck??? Nope..
Correct, more like an Aaron Rodgers, pocket passer that's a pretty decent runner. Doesn't make him what is usually considered a duel threat QB.
Mauck was a pretty bad passer in his early years but a damn good runner. He progressed a hell of a lot though and his injury his junior year might have been the best thing that happened to him as I believe it lead to him becoming a much better qb. These is no typical dual threat qb in my mind as there are so many different styled qb's being called that, but Mauck didn't throw the ball nearly as much in high school as Jennings and Harris did so yes he was your most feared qb recruit the way you think now. The thing is, you've let other's labels cloud your mind too much IMO. Of course it remains to be seen what transpires down the road for Jennings and Harris but both were far more heralded for passing in their high school careers than for running. But being a successful QB when you jump up a level is more between the ears most times. Jennings and Harris both have the tools to be successful passers, it's what between their ears that will ultimately determine how good they become.