Does not matter. I showed yesterday the gaudy stats Sumlin's offenses put up in his entire tenure at Houston. It's what he does. 500 yards a game total offense is virtually guaranteed, inexperience QB or whatever.
Yesterday was what it was. Had there been more early success they would've thrown it a lot more. I think Les has shown that he WANTS to throw the ball. But like he said, AJ was tight all day and could barely catch his breath. You have to gameplan for that while it's happening, lol. Yesterday didn't do it. But really all year long, what did we show a slot guy his potential would be in this offense? The Quinns and Dupres of the world...guys who can and will excel on the outside have a lot to look forward to. I don't know that we showed a true slot guy anything that would excite him. And Speedy and Shep are not in the same time zone. Speedy can actually catch...he's faster and much quicker. Not a knock on Shep...but I see too often Miles blamed for Shep's lack of success. Shep has to take most of the blame for that. Catch the frickin ball and it'll get thrown to you a lot more. Even still, I wish Speedy much success, but I don't think this is going to go how he thinks it is.
I guess now would be a good time to add that I've never been blown away by Noil. He may turn out to be great but he is definitely unpolished and will need a good bit of coaching. Certainly not on the ledge over this one.
I'm only referring to Speedy being used out in space. It's well documented Shepard couldn't catch a cold.
I see Quinn in the slot, especially now that we whiffed on Noil. I was seeing him that way even with Noil.
he doesn't care about that he wants to put food on the table and become the next Travon Austin and go in the top 10 of the draft