You say that and some of the best recruiting classes LSU has ever seen have been because kids felt like family with each other before ever becoming teammates at LSU. I can easily see it happening if they're actually teammates before LSU.
Looks like another one is in the barn. Jimmy D Smith ?@JimmyDetail 53s Five DM's in 30 mins. asking about Speedy and #TexasAM . Not gonna happen. Done deal. #LSU Bound. #SellingSubscriptions
Yikes I hate to be right about this. But the rumblings are that Noil may not be a lock to LSU or anywhere close to it. Hopefully we can hear about Sumlin heading to the NFL talk more and more in the coming days to dissuade from going there. Noil's family wants him at LSU. And for god's sake, this is Frank Wilson's nephew. Let's just cross our fingers. We will know on Thursday.
Geez this one keeps going back and forth. I hope that maybe with all the news breaking he was LSU bound he simply felt the need to put the breaks on that until he officially announces.
Noil has already decided on who he will annouce to on Thursday. So this isn't going back and forth. I find it hard to believe he will be anywhere other than LSU no matter what happens on Thursday. Noil is known for trolling and I think he is doing a great job at it. This kid is really close to his family and I can't see them being left in the dark about this like he is claiming. Frank Wilson losing his Nephew would be something I would never thought I would see and until I see it I won't believe it. But trolling from Noil is something I expected and what we have seen numerous times this year regarding LSU. Same pattern.