Well, yeah it will. The comfort and support of family is pretty important to any medical recovery. If he's close by, that's going to be much easier for the both of them. Not to mention, if he's in Baton Rouge and his mom takes a turn for the worse in Oklahoma or if he doesn't have the opportunity to keep tabs, that could be a huge distraction. Why is it that all of a sudden parents don't get any input on what school their child attends? These people are kids first, students second, football players third. I can understand if you don't give about shit out your familiy being close by for support during a serious illness, but 99% of the humans on this planet express their fondness for others by doing things that comfort them or make them happy. It's not all about "me". In fact, it's rarely about "me".
Thank you Roy. Please keep in mind however they aren't airing it in public. The family has never publicly said anything about his mother's illness. It's only been through rumors and inside information that we know anything. Dandy Don talked about this about a week or so ago, he was never even able to confirm his mom is sick from an "official" source. Only hear rumors from sources.
Really love the last paragraph. I would do 4 years in Norman for another day on the beach with Dad. Of course A&M would be worth a weekend.
Dude, I think EVERYONE has been affected by cancer. I'm sorry for your loss(es), but YOU shouldn't be so short sighted as to believe most folks can't relate. If anyone on this forum hasn't been there, just keep living, you will. I've seen it up close and personal and count my blessings each day to have two parents and a sibling who are survivors. I'm not saying the kid shouldn't stay home. But he needs to arrive at that decision on his own. Not because he was guilted into it. The fact that he hasn't just said he's staying home should be enough to tell everyone he's conflicted. Personally, I know my mother would never go around asking folks to convince me to stay. The fact that she has to speaks volumes.
The fact that you deduced me not caring about my family from my post tells me you simply do not understand what I'm saying. You've been good at that lately. No one is saying she shouldn't have input. But the key word here is GUILT. If her situation hasn't made him switch already, there's likely some conflict there within the young man. State your peace, leave him alone and let him make his decision. Don't go to social media asking fans to convince him. That's guilting. I believe he SHOULD stay. Said it earlier in this thread. But I believe he should WANT to. The end.
On his own? He's making a very important life decision, is still living at home, and is under age. Why should he get to make his decision on his own with no input from his parents? Even as an adult you should at least consult those who your decision affects. And I'd say him choosing a college does affect his sick mother. Didn't Willis mom lobby for him to go to LSU? Was there outrage that she did that on these forums like there is when a mother with cancer does the same?
Outrage? Uh...ok. And even in your comparison, both of those boys still made there own choices. So what's the difference? And who says he's not consulting his parents? I mean you guys are seriously projecting here. The facts are, his mother is rumored to be ill. He's struggling with the decision. He has not yet de committed. I would think that he would've de committed long ago and chose to stay close to home, but here we are three weeks later and his situation has not changed. We know mom is publicly lobbying for him to stay by asking fans to help. The story is she wants him to stay because she's sick. We don't even know if that's true. She may just want him to stay for other reasons. She may just be April Justin. That is all any of us know. So I'm not sure where you get the not consulting and not considering because I didn't say any of that. All I said is he needs to want to stay home. Otherwise he won't be doing anyone any good. I'm saying that me, as a parent, regardless of what I have going on in my world...if my child has an opportunity to do something they really want to do, I support that. If my personal situation leads my child to choose to change his mind for my benefit, I certainly appreciate that. I'm not asking or expecting that. But that's just ME. So my opinion is based on ME. I TOTALLY understand and respect that you feel differently. It's another perspective. No one is wrong.
LMAO at you accusing me of assuming what you're really thinking and in the same post, you assume that his Mom is using guilt to try and get him to stay close to home. Hello pot. My aren't you black...