Well, mom put up with her fair share of pain and sacrifice birthing and raising him. I'd say she's entitled. Going to OU isn't going to ruin his life.
That's what she's supposed to do. She's entitled to a new house, a car, and a nice bank account when he goes pro. Like my kids. I don't give rewards for making honor roll. You're supposed to do that. Impress me!
A new house, a car and a nice bank account isn't going to do her a lot of good if she passes due to her cancer before he goes pro...
Neither will him being at OU. Are you really putting the woman on her death bed? Tell that Teddy Bridgewater's mom. Either way, he needs to WANT to stay close, not be guilted into it. If he wants to, that's great. More power to him and I'm sure I and most other fans hope all goes well. If he doesn't, but does it anyway, I really feel sorry for both of them.
I agree with asignupe99. A parent chooses to go through the pain and sacrifice of birth and parenting. That actually doesn't entitle the parent to anything in return. No one asks to be born. Shouldn't she want her son to be happy?
As someone who has lost 4 very close relatives including a father to cancer I find the attitude of many on this forum very short sighted and not grounded in proper perspective. Of course she wants her son to be happy. Doesn't he want his sick mother to be able to see him play football easily with whatever time she has left? And yes, I think a parent IS entitled to certain things. They DID give you life, raise you, pay for your stuff, give you the tools to be successful. . .along with a large number of other things. She's not asking him to cut off his arm and give it to her. She wants to be close to him to spend time with him while she's still here. Recruiting really has jacked up some of you people's perspectives. Either choice he makes is fine and his mom is NOT a criminal for asking him to stay close. Personally I would tell him to do it. I'd give up ANTHING for just 1 extra day with my Dad, and yes that includes choosing to play at OU instead of LSU.
I agree, she isn't asking him to give up his dream like the anecdote she's just asking him to do it close to home.
Really like your post lsu-dane, but I wonder why any mother or father would want to make this type of family disagreement a public discussion. I guess many of us want our own reality tv show. What the attraction is to bring family squabbles public, I'll never understand. It's really a no-win situation once it goes public.