Talked to a friend of mine. He said DC wants LSU but mom wants him close to home so he anticipates a flip at some point.
These are comments from Clark himself..... “I don’t know where anybody is getting that kind of information from,” Clark adamantly said. “Because I’m sorry but you just have the wrong information. I don’t know why people are saying that I am not 100-percent committed to come play for LSU starting next season because I am. I’m going to be a Tiger and I am going to be a part of trying to come in and help that defense improve and for us to win SEC and National Championships. I’m 100-percent committed to being an LSU Tiger and I will be there in June. You just got some wrong information.”
LSU definitely feels that they still have some work to do with Clark. I have no doubt that he is all LSU but his family has been discussing him staying closer to home. His quotes above do reflect what he has sad to the LSU staff very recently. He is not 100% gone from LSU by any means but we have work to do to keep him here.
Well I have to say that it has to be hard on him with his mother being sick and wanting him close to her and him wanting to be at LSU, definitely would not want to be in his shoes
The guy I talked to is pretty well connected in the sports market in and around the OKC area. Not so much with recruiting but he is without a doubt what I would consider "in the know" when I asked him if he thought DC would flip because of his mom being sick I found his reply to be really interesting. He said "yes, family wants him close to home, did not know his mother was sick" FWIW, like I said, I never considered him to be much of a recruiting guru but he does cover a great deal of HS football here in the area.
Well we definitely have an uphill battle, no matter what the kid is saying on record. I just can't see it ending up any other way than staying home.
Yes, because if there's one thing we've learned in recent recruiting cycles at LSU, its that a recruit will always listen to his mother. Refer to my sig below.