Not official yet. Taylor and his coach are saying he committed but confirmation not coming from LSU side at this time. Another twitter mystery... Taylor football player&type=rivals&u= Taylor football player&d=70483664868&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=a50043d7,e82fb372&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=Qum1TKOMXqPwf2afT74OzQ-- This is a tough district, so many kids come out of that area. A couple good friends of mine coach at Katy Taylor High, I'll see about getting some info on the kid. The Head Coach at Taylor is a guy named Flint Riesen, he was at SMU with X-LSU Coach Phil Bennett. A little trivia....... Flint's brother Cody played in the Pro's for the Cleveland Browns. Frank and Kathie Lee Gifford named her son after Cody Riesen, coincidentally both Cody's were born on March 22nd.
There are two RB's in that area that are good ones, the Ford kid from Cy-Ranch and this kid. My guys tell me the Taylor kid has done great and getting back to speed. Also at Katy, the DE that has given a verbal to Ok, along with the Ford kid....
Probably the reason why it was conditional on him coming to camp. I would be very worked if they didn't insist on that before accepting.