John Diarse on Rettig's arm... ... The Neville quarterback, who will transition to receiver at LSU, caught balls all week from LSU quarterback commit Hayden Rettig (at the US Army All American practices) ... "He's one of those guys that throws 90 miles per hour," Diarse said in a phone interview. "It was beneficial to get a feel for my future quarterback."
Brian Perroni, National Recruiting Analyst for covering Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas and Louisiana. Formerly of On Rettig's arm strength at the US Army All-American practices... Rettig has definitely shown a strong arm and really good velocity - in fact, some of the receivers were joking about how it is almost too tough to catch his balls due to the velocity. However, like the other two West QBs, he has been quite erratic this week. The weather hasn't been great but he still has both underthrown and overthrown guys consistently all week.