Bell didn't come because Randle and Randle's dad didn't want Ruben to come of Benton came here. Pretty stupid in my mind.
Rueben's dad's perspective was not how most interpreted, but it's not really worth explaining. However, he should've known that most would not see his point. Most will think like a fan, not like a parent. With that said, given the choice between those three, and I mean before any of them ever even enrolled, the obvious choice was Rueben all day. This is nothing new. It happens everywhere. If Gunner Kiel comes here, another QB who might have been considering us probably won't. There are lots of great schools and great programs, but the list of marquee programs is very short. We're on it...and pretty high on it too.
This is a result of the main recruiting tactics Baby Kiffen and posse would employ. 2 things stand out: 1. Orange Pride - getting hot hillbilly chicks to pretend to want a high school athlete is an appeal to extremely undeveloped emotional maturity. Where is that #1 RB the Vols landed by using these tactics? He flew the coup the minute he realized he was duped. 2. Appealing to a kid's base instinct to "outsmart" and deceive a rival schools recruiting efforts attracts a certain caliber of character. Jackson and his family's utter deception of LSU by claiming he was an LSU "lock" even after NSD spoke more about his character and worth than anything he could ever produce on the field. Well, to be honest, "Sparky" would be my getaway vehicle of choice. Who would ever pull over a Prius as a suspected getaway car? :wave: What was stupid was that those kids never even thought of where surveillance cams might be. Makes you wonder what correlation that would have to their "football IQ".
should be interesting down the stretch. the same source that said yeldon would switch on sunday , info that none of the other outlets had including Jamie Newberg, is saying Collins to Bama at the moment. so i guess its a wait and see
At the moment is the key phrase. I don't care where Landon is leaning right now. All that matters is where he signs his letter of intent to play. Everything else is just conjecture and sideline prognostication which amounts to fun reading and fan speculation but that is about it.
I don't know how old you are, but I'm 57 and almost all of it spent in the inner city of New Orleans. I've had murderers working for me...and I have to tell you that A THIEF IS A THIEF !! You can never trust a thief and Janzen Jackson is a drug addicted thief, and will be a drug addicted thief. Spare me the BS about him just being a follower....he's no victim of circumstances. He'll probably blow his last chance at McNeese too.
Sadly Steve is probably right. Whats that old saying, a speckled trout doesn't change his spots :grin:
It's nice to think Janzen wouldn't have found trouble in BR under Les, but let's not forget Ryan Perrilloux and everything that went with that. I consider it a blessing that Janzen did not go to LSU. There is no need to have Ryan followed up by a Janzen.. negative recruiters would have a field day with that not to mention with the way selective journalism is today ESPN could have raised eyebrows. (Nevermind the fact they rarely discuss Meyer's arrest record at Florida.. selective journalism.)
The trouble college kids sometimes find themselves in is often a product of their surroundings. This is not to say that JJ would have never fallen into trouble at LSU, but I think it's foolish to just automatically assume that he would have. The role he played in the group of kids that got into trouble was minor IIRC. He also has/had some pretty big family issues going down at the time. For a kid to be handed as much privilege that comes with being a highly sought after football player at an SEC school under those circumstances, it's not really a big surprise. Not excusing his behavior, but just a reminder that the world is not always black and white. LSU has had more than it's fair share of trouble-makers and all of them have been dealt with accordingly in a manner that has had minimal impact to the program.