I wish all kids the best of luck. But when they play LSU, I only have one team in mind. Les will be the one laughing Monday night. Get ready.
It did almost seem choreographed, didn't it? Pretty off-putting if you ask me but whatever. I'm sure if he decided to come to LSU then I'd change my tune but for now I'd say that that little routine was pretty tacky...scripted or not.
You may know something I don't, but is Lacy a bigger influence than Reid? I would have bet the farm that Reid had locked him up
I don't claim to have any inside info so sorry if my comment seemed that way. I was just saying that it's quite obvious that there will be high drama and rumors a plenty regarding LC all the way up to NSD.
I say best of luck to him. I hope he blows it up...except when he plays us. Buck Fama. But I hope he does well like any other Louisiana athlete.
Have to agree. I don't want him either. I want players more like the Honey Badger. Tigers at Heart, not little drama queens who play gay ass games like little school girls. He was acting like a dumb little kid out there, rolling his hands and what not, we don't want weak minded children like that. We want grown ass men who know what they want and want to be tigers. --- I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=30.070134,-95.535091