If you count OLinemen and DLinemen, there are 22 on the list over 6' 6".................with about half in the 6'7" to 6'9" range Man, they're growing them big nowadays.
I know, one of USC's DT commitments for next year is 6'8 almost unheard of from a defensive tackle spot.
I live on the Westbank of New Orleans Karr and O. P. Walker are the only 2 Public Schools on the Westbank of New Orleans. After the hurricane a lot of the Eastbank families moved to the Westbank, Karr and O. P. Walker are a hot bed of talent. I go see them at least once a year, but most of the time I go see who is playing at West Jeff. on a Friday night. Edinburg is a man playing among boys, he pancakes everybody.
He plays too high at times. The DE for Franklinton killed him on a couple plays with a bull rush. He needs to stay low.
Don't you think Coach Miles knows a little bit playing on the Offensive Line? Coach Miles will take care of it.
Word is that he is visiting Arky, and that we are not putting on the full press. Bhelm, I havent seen any information about our summer camps yet. Do you know when we will be having the camps for guys to work out and earn/solidify offers?
WE want to see him at camp first. Not uncommon for in-state OL. 1st camp starts June 5th and 2nd is July 17th.