If you gray shirt do you still get your full Scholarship? I know I am not the smartest guy, but the only difference I see is that you report to the team later. Am I right?
Basically... Can't practice with the team during the fall and can report in the spring. Almost like an early enrollee. The prospect can either pay his way to go to school in the Fall or just take the semester off and report to school when he joins the team.
For Louisiana residents, TOPS is a real advantage LSU has over other SEC schools when it comes to grayshirting...
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you can be a full time student if you choose to take classes. Whether you report to the team or not, I think the elgibility clock starts ticking when you are a full time student.
I believe that is the case but not sure if there are any loop holes to that rule in this circumstance.
So with the now red-hot rumor of Mullen returning to FLA, does our chances of landing Dak get even better?
I guess they are talking to the Rivers family, because of Philip Rivers, so that he could play for Stephen Rivers way for the first semester. Just guessing...