There's a lot we do not know with all the rumors flying regarding Auburn recruiting. Something that is a fact,during the Newton investiagtion the FBI became involved this means : A-Tied into information already confirmed. B-FBI looking to obtain additional information to confirm a lead. Either choice not good if you are a Booster under the Federal scope of investigation.
More on Nelson and his false advertising as a LSU fan. Creepy Dude. Great News: Auburn Family "All In" on Facebook - Roll 'Bama Roll
:geaux: Good read. :thumb: That dude Nelson is a serious scam artist. :rolleye33: He'd probably fit right in with Newton's old man. Maybe they're in that business together? :lol: :LSU231:
Someone in Thib. Needs to go and have a talk with this POS! I hate Auburn more and more, they are the dirtiest program in the country and make the whole SEC look bad......screw it, Geaux ducks.
Auburn's fishy recruitment on Reed & Robinson This article is a must read. Auburn recruiting succeeds in unlikely place - College Football News | FOX Sports on MSN
:geaux: This turd has his sights set on being an agent or something similar (Scum Lord). He's like some low rent Pied Piper puttin' the hook in all these kids while they're young and don't know any better. They'll grow up thinking they "owe" him something when they get to the recruiting process in high school. What a scum bag!! :rolleye33: What he's gonna end up doing is getting some people & schools in big ****ing trouble, like what's gonna happen to Auburn. :LSU231:
:geaux: When Auburn goes to NCAA Hell they can thank Trooper Taylor for getting them there. What a scam artist. :rolleye33: It's just a shame that he's got his hook set in Thibodeaux with the help of that azzhat Nelson through his so-called "mentor program". Unfortunately, Reed & Robinson may come to regret the fact that they fell for their shyt. Hopefully Granier doesn't fall for this crap and get brainwashed too. :LSU231: