2011 MLB C.J. Johnson

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by bhelmLSU, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    I don't see what the problem is with this post. It's not like he insulted CJ. He insulted Ole Miss. Since when is there a problem with that? :eek:lefire:

    And by the way, everything he said is accurate and true. Ole Miss hasn't been relevant in 45+ years. The closest they came was 2003...when they "won the west", even though LSU played in and won the SECCG, as well as the BCSNCG, AND beat Ole Miss!! But it was good enough for them to fly a banner in their little stadium. :rolleye33:

    They ARE a train wreck. They just lost their version of Cam Newton, who was able to lead them to a 4 win season. For crying out loud, they just changed their mascot to a "Rebel Black Bear"!!

    That said, until he doesn't show up for his visit this weekend, I'm saying like Rocky to Mick...NOTHINS OVAH!!
  2. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    I think this one is over.

    Heard he has a Winter Formal this weekend as well. So I think he got everything out of the way so he can enjoy himself.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    yea this one is done, the check cleared.
  4. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    You can pass off his arrest for armed robbery as being in the wrong place at the wrong time...you can you can say that he was hanging around the wrong crowd...but his role in the crime was documented by video and, as in most testimony, someone probably said he was "Just along for the ride" and took the fall.

    You can, however, say with accuracy that Janzen Jackson is a liar...pure and simple.

    You can also say that, just because he wasn't prosecuted doesn't mean that he was innocent...he just wasn't prosecuted.
  5. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Tigerbait.com reporting he committed to Ole Miss. Apologies if this has already been posted.
  6. geauxtigers45

    geauxtigers45 Founding Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    Thank you, I wasn't insulting Johnson. I was insulting the school that he picked and the opportunity that he passed up.
  7. geauxtigs

    geauxtigs Tigers Forever

    Nov 28, 2007
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    :geaux: Being that Janzen Jackson AND his Daddy BOTH lied their azz's off to LSU and played the Tigers right up to the time he signed with UT, I can absolutely understand why his home state might be pissed off at him. :po: I can remember his lying daddy saying how Janzen was "all LSU" within just a few days of NSD. Then there was the biggest lie of all ON NSD that the reason he didn't fax his papers in to LSU was that his Momma was late catchin' a flight to BR, so he was gonna wait until she got to town before he signed. :rolleye33: Then he signed with Kiffin and UT the DAY AFTER NSD. This was of course AFTER UT signed Darren Myles on NSD who didn't sign with LSU because Janzen Jackson was supposedly "all LSU" and was an LSU lock! Myles would have signed with LSU had he known Jackson was going to UT. As a result, Jackson screwed both LSU & Darren Myles. What a guy, huh? What a fine, upstanding young man! This was all a hatched deal between Kiffen, Orgeron, J. Jackson & his lying ass daddy. Is this an example of how a "good kid from a good family" operates? :dis:

    And Terrence Toliver ain't even in Jackson's league. He didn't lie about what he did and he apologized to his coaches, teammates, fans and the community. He took responsibility for his actions then he had to pay the consequences CLM put on him. Janzen Jackson wouldn't know anything about honesty, good character, apologizing or taking responsibility. Don't know if he's a thug or not, but he's a punk for sure. Glad he's at UT and Tiger Bait. :thumb:

    Just sayin' Mr. L....... :) :LSU231:
    2 people like this.
  8. Herb

    Herb Founding Member

    Feb 17, 2008
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    Back to the MLB position, are there any potential surprises with any OTHER MLB recruits? What ever happened to that Kurz kid in California that was high on LSU? Did the coaching staff sour on him?
  9. asignupe99

    asignupe99 Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    FWIW, Mr. W and Stevescookin, I have on very good knowledge that Janzen was NOT pulling the strings on that situation. That was all daddy...kind of like Cecil Newton. I don't know if any money was involved (kind of doubt it because money was not an issue), but there was a "promise" of a coaching position before JJ left UT if JJ committed there. Remember daddy going to coach at some smaller school nearby? Well that was supposed to parlay into a cushy job at UT, but Kiffin screwed him when he bolted for USC. If Janzen had full say-so, he would've been at LSU. They handled the situation very poorly, but they SUPPOSEDLY told other family they feared for their livelihood (not lives) if they switched before being able to lay low for a while. After he committed to UT, they bolted for a bit to let things cool down. Mom really did miss her flight and they didn't want to leave town without her. Very shady stuff. Mom and Dad were gone for several weeks. Janzen came back after like a week or two because of school...and really, it was unlikely anyone would seriously threaten a 17 year old kid...but daddy on the other hand. But you can ask people from Lake Charles that know these folks, this IS a good family who handled the recruiting process very, very poorly, overreacting to their fear of perceived anger. They made a mistake. We're just more upset because the team we love got screwed in the process. This doesn't condemn them to hell or mean that Social Services should've stepped in and taken him away from his terrible parents. Just makes em tigerbait!

    There aren't regrets, per se, because JJ is enjoying good individual success, and by all accounts, he's happy and concentrating on getting to the NFL sooner rather than later, meaning if he grades out first round next year, which he probably will, he's gone. But rest assured, he was a puppet in that situation. Classify him how you want, but that was all on daddy. So you can look at it as if they are just a pack of flea-ridden liars, or you can consider the more likely alternative...he sacraficed his own wishes to get his pops a better gig, but unfortunately pops has some yellow on his belly and wasn't a real man about the process. They lied like hell...most of us just don't bother to consider circumstances. But it worked out for us pretty well I'd say.

    In the robbery, he should've gotten in his car and left them, but instead, he did what a lot of folks would have done and tried to get them to stop and leave. If there was video evidence that showed his role was more than that, why was he not charged? And still on the team while the other two guys got the boot? That makes no sense. With that said, I don't blame him for not leaving his teammates. That probably would not have worked out well for him either. Imagine walking in the locker room after that...
  10. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Speaking of Lane and Ogre, Matt Dunn on 1210 said he saw them both at a restaurant in Baton Rouge 3 nights ago.

    Wonder if they are trying to get Jeremy Hill to sign with USC.

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