BhelmLSU, I see where Coach Miles offered an scholarship to an Illinois MLB in Nick Lifka. Coach Miles wants to move him to FB and he has set an visit to LSU. BhelmLSU do you have any other infor on Nick Lifka? !twocrystals! !twocrystals!
Not much but out of the schools offered LSU is his favorite but we will see how potential offers from the Big10 changes things.
Note on S Lonnie Ballentine: Going to skip his senior year since he graduated early and sign with a team right now instead of next year. The three schools who have a scholarship available right now are Ole Miss, Tenn, and Memphis and will decide tomorrow. LSU and almost all the other SEC teams told him they would not have a scholarship available until December.
Looks good... Are you planning to attend any of the LSU camps or other camps this summer? Who is showing interest as of late other than Louisiana-Lafayette, Tennessee, Ole Miss, Tulsa, Oklahoma State, Texas A&M, and TCU?
Yeah I intend on camping over there this summer. Oh and other schools are LA Tech, Princeton, LSU, Ole Miss, Harvard, and Auburn ... all the coaches like me but i still have no offers YET!!!
The offers will come and that is a great list of program interested in you. Keep us updated if you don't mind so we can track your progress.
I don't know if you're up to it, but could you please do more than just keep us updated? I think that a lot of us fans would love to read a blog, journal, diary or whatever of what your recruitment is really like...what goes on in your mind...what your life is like as far as recruitment goes. It doesn't matter if you end up at LSU or where ever, but a thread here by someone being actively recruited would give us some understanding of what you think is important and what you base your decision on. One thing I wonder about is what effect do negative comments on these fan forums play into a recruits decision ? What impact does winning or losing games have on a decision? What negative recruiting actually goes on? How about the coach bashing that seems to go on every where? How realistic is the promise of early playing time? It would be great to be able to ask questions, interact and get your viewpoint on recruiting issues in general and your recruitment in particular. :tigereye: