I knew about Freak, I didn't know scout had him at a 5*, in your opinion which recruiting service is more consistent, scout or rivals?
Freak is a 5* on both services. I don't put much stock into ranking services overall but if I had to pick one it would be Rivals.
Ah alright, I got it mixed up. either way we're getting two extremely talented linemen. I see Freak having the better career, but Mickey will be a key piece right next to him
There is some talk I saw on another site that Johnson may be leaving LSU and going to Auburn. Any truth to these rumors?
Not true at all. Rumor was squashed pretty quick. He has been waiting to get cleared by the Clearinghouse and some are saying that will happen tomorrow. Trevon Randle is in the same boat. Alonzo Lewis has some class work to finish so may take some time on his end.