As long as LSU can close on Fobbs and/or James Wright this year I think it's not that big a loss. Reed is a good player but we have a handful of good receivers already on the roster so it doesn't hurt as much. Plus, next year's haul looks incredible. Landry, Alonzo Lewis, Bradley Sylve. Yummy.
Sorry, but I hate to see top LA prospects that we are recruiting heavily leave the state. It happens and I am prepared for it, but I hate to see it. If Reed leaves I will be very disappointed. But at least he won't be going to Bama.
So with Jeff Lee (guy who covers Auburn recruiting) heading down to Reed's high school for the announcement, does that mean its over with for him? Bhelm, are you hearing anything about him not committing to Auburn or still being undecided?
There are rumors all over the place. Some saying he is still not decided at this time but AU has the lead. Others are saying he is an AU lock and will announce on the 13th. I still have my doubts that an announcement will happen at that time. Either way, LSU is still in it and the home factor will play a bigger role down the stretch. NSD is the date that matters. I agree that as of now, AU is the leader based on playing time.
Most of these kids want to play ASAP. I think Reed sees the playing time at Aub as a huge advantage for him. However, just look at Benton. He has hardly seen a snap all year. They are playing a bunch of unheralded guys ahead of him. With that said, I think Reed is Aub bound and he will probably stick with that commitment. I hope I'm wrong but I've heard a few little tid bits from some Aub connections that their staff is more than giddy about Reed. They wouldnt be that fired up for nothing.
The only way Reed doesnt announce next weekend is if Thibodaux makes the playoffs and has to travel far...even then he may still announce. I will be completely shocked if he isnt AU bound...Id put it at about 95%
As I suspected, I would be surprised if Reed makes a commit next Friday. His mentor is now saying Oregon is in the lead followed by Auburn and LSU. I would think he is going to take his time to figure things out but as of now we can see early playing time has his attention. Word is LSU was honest with him and said he would likely redshirt. - Recruiting Rewind, Nov. 6: Reed looking to the west?