No, it's funny blind fans like you continue to post nonsense. The offense was horrible, well no actually it was on par to what it was.
Maybe we could blitz Peterson 3 times in a row? Oh we did do that---boy I was fooled. So what flavor Kool-aid you drinkin? Tell your Dad I said farewell,:wave::wave::wave: Les Jr.
Howdy Doody must go! As long as Lester "Howdy Doody" Miles is our coach we are screwed. I think most people realized this his first season. We should can Aleva at the same time and get a real ballbuster AD that won't take this crap for more than a couple of seasons.
Even more disturbing than the pathetic coaching job was Miles' demeanor after game in the interview with Andrews. I would feel a little better if he seemed the least bit upset with the performance.