I know that BhelmLSU has already told us that, if you read the other Threads on the Message Board. Boy some People sure like to pick a post apart huh? !twocrystals! !twocrystals!
Kind of a weird segment. Lache when asked who is the best player he has faced said nobody.:huh: Also tells people to google him. Corey Nelson says this about Mike Davis: The Elite 11: Star-Telegram’s top football recruits in Texas | High Schools | Star-Telegr...
Thats some bad things to say about a teammate that speaks real loudly to the type of person MD is. Well I guess we found that out with constant lying he did. lol "google me" that sounds like some USC stuff
It's amazing how a lot of people hang on every word Lache says. He goofs around, everyone assumes he's serious and now he's full of himself. :huh:. If you all took what I say as seriously...there'd be rumors that I was about to go on the Springer show just to tell some gay, transvestite, hockey playing, midget a secret !!:lol:.