I saw that he said Auburn was the leader but I wouldn't be too worried about it right now. Makes you wonder since he has not said anything close to who is out front since early last year. LSU is in great position especially when we land a few more of his buddies. Trovon, Shaun Lewis, Hurd, etc... Distance plays in our favor along with having family in LA and a few friends on the current roster. I see him as LSU's to lose with USC, Texas, and Auburn being strongly considered and possible destinations.
I read that Auburn was one of his favorites, but not his #1 favorite. I'll be shocked if Lache ends up somewhere besides Texas or LSU.
weird that a couple days after showing up at an LSU practice he names a school hes never mentioned before and never been to his leader.
Especially when guys close to the situation have said great things about his visit. His mom was one of the one slinging praises as well. The report is a contradiction to most of what sources are saying out of TX. All the reports tells me is not to sleep on Auburn because they will be a factor down the stretch along with Texas and USC.
From Rivals (free) just a tidbit we already know: Seastrunk, the nation's No. 2 player, could be headed to LSU. He is a cousin of LSU signee Michael Ford and is good friends with Thibodaux (La.) High's Trovon Reed, the top wide receiver in Louisiana who could be headed to the Tigers. Reed also is taking a strong look at Texas and USC, and the Trojans also will be a player for Seastrunk.
Lache told a Soph UT player that it will either be LSU or Texas at the Texas Spring game. Some rumblings that his mom is pushing UT which can never be underestimated but her 2nd choice is LSU because of family in LA and distance. Auburn and the pastor is real but Auburn has a little ways to go from what I have gathered.