Found this on free rivals concerning Lindsays lack of rank : Big upside</I> How can Chad Lindsay have more than 20 offers but not be ranked in the Rivals250? -- Walter from Montgomery, Ala. ----- Lindsay, a guard from The Woodlands (Texas) High, committed to Alabama on Monday. He is one of the better offensive linemen in Texas. The Rivals250 is not a list based on the sheer number of scholarship offers, and Lindsay was one of many on the "250 bubble." He needs to continue to work on his mobility, and his body structure is a slight concern. But those are things that can change in his favor with hard work off the field. Lindsay has good upside and should be a good interior lineman for the Crimson Tide.
This just reiterates what many have been saying. He is heavy and slow and doesn't have the frame to grow. We aren't slighting him because he should be a good college lineman, but LSU thinks we can do better by targeting more athletic, versatile, larger-framed guys that have higher ceilings. I think Chad is a "safer pick'', but we are opting to roll the dice. Hopefully, we will heavily consider character because some of our past highly ranked OL recruits have left the team after getting in trouble and we can't afford to waste our time on bad citizens.