I've been thinking this for a while - too many good WRs on our board, and not enough of an immediate need to go with Lee.
We were thinking about taking him as a WR early on but I don't think they are considering it anymore especially since it is not looking like he is a shoe-in to be ready to enroll in Dec/Jan.
I don't see us taking more than 2 more WRs with the loss of Molten. We have tweeners in this class and the past class that can fill the void such as Claiborne and Tharold Simon, etc... The staff has most likely known about the Molten situation for awhile now and they have not peaked their interest in any JUCO guys to this point. We need to target and use the Molten situation to our advantage in the 2011 class by targeting some additional top talent to go along with Landry and Alonzo Lewis.
Im guessing it will depend on how they feel about these high school recruits but if they would bring him in he would compete instantly.
Good for him...it mist have taken him a while to make the grades. Just think of how ticked Fobbs would have been if Miles had just picked him up yesterday.