Keep hope alive Jesse, but! DT Marsh taking his deiciision down to the wire - ESPN
Link indicates that he doesn't know, so we still have a chance. And I dont understand the Jesse reference. Can you enlighten me?
He 'committed' to Cal, then he 'committed to LSU, now he is 'committing' to..... This kid needs some basic life instruction.
there is precedent for hope. remember rjf? i know cali is farther than miami, but its not like youre going to drive to br from miami (what? 16 hr) for a game.
O.K. well I didnt say it. Someone asked what the reference was so I explained it. As for the "I hate white people" comment. Sorry if that is offensive. Just usually he shows up when the theme is just that. I do apologize. As for the Random comment, I disagree its actually very common in todays pop culture references, I used it and hear all all the time. Anyway back on topic. This sucks...
the random part is the I hate white people rally. Im never the one to take up for Jesse, but didnt realize he had one of those. and it does suck, kid loves LSU, parents want him to stay home.
kid's only maybe 18 years old. give him a break, can't blame him for not wanting to go far from family. imo, if could only keep our natives in-state we wouldn't have to worry about getting talent from the west coast.