Jeffcoat's twin sister just committed to OU for basketball. Wonder if that will sway him to OU away from Texas...
Acoording to JJ's dad, the two kids (twins, as you say) are very close but they are not "guaranz" a package deal.
DE Jackson Jeffcoat Jackson Jeffcoat, Jim's son, is rated by some as the best prospect in the country. His HS, Plano West is just down the street so I've been following him more than others. He's still uncommitted. Why hasn't LSU at least made him an offer?
Re: DE Jackson Jeffcoat good question, D/FW is loaded with talent and we don't recruit that area hard at all.
Re: DE Jackson Jeffcoat He received an offer very early in the game and LSU has recruited him. He came to a LSU practice in the Spring as well with his father. Pretty sure LSU was informed by his dad that we were not heavily in the running from the get go. OU/Texas battle. His sister committed to OU for basketball this year.
Re: DE Jackson Jeffcoat Don't know much about the kid, and not sure why. Who does he have offers from? Never mind Bhelm answered my question.
Re: DE Jackson Jeffcoat 6'5" - 230, DE Offers from Ariz.S, Fla., Houston (Dad coaches there), OU, Texas, USC Baylor, Cal, UGA, Neb, ND, Rutgers, Stanford, TCU, A&M, T.Tech
Re: DE Jackson Jeffcoat Here you go guys...