It came in the middle of May last year. But this is the first year the 100 & 250 have come out this early so maybe they will move it up.
Scout awards 50 five star positions each year. Ford is well within that 50 range, so should he avoid injury and have the year he's expected to have, he will be a 5* when the real rankings are released. As for's a crap shoot. We have to pray someone outside of Mike S. gets to evaluate him in person, because Mike thinks he's overrated where he's at now and it's been such a touchy subject he's not likely to admit defeat and lobby for his upward movement.
I know star rating on recruits is just for us fans but its all I got to play with until football season starts again so bear with me please... Shepard is a fiver, Ford was & may be again, Randle is & hopefully we get him (lock according to most). That would be three & counting. I say we get six this year.. If not we are sure gonna have a lot of 4*! Getting five star players from another state is very hard to do but we already have one so it can be done.. Southern Cal & Florida & Miami do it all the time.... Course they do have the glitter of the beaches & Hollywood. Hey we got LSU & Crawfish & prettier girls than anyone so whats the problem?? Question - Does Louisiana have any other players (other than Randle) that are rated five stars? Davenport may be one are there others? Faulk, Ainsworth, Lacey, Bell anyone?
Randle and Davenport should definitely make it in rivals 5 star group. The only other LA player I hear of potentially is Janzen, if he has a huge senior season he has the ability to move up big time. Conner is not that far from being a 5 star, but I suspect that LSU not offering will make rethink his positioning and drop him a bit.
If Janzen/Ford are elevated to a 5* that would give us three & Davenport would be four.... Mmmm, six is gonna be hard but reachable I think.
I think we have a better shot at getting up to as many as 6 of them, since they rank 50 as five star. only gives out 25-30 five star rankings. We would have to steal away somebody like a McFarland to help get us to 6 on rivals, and probably have to have Ford be ranked a 5 star, which is not likely.
No way do I see Rivals giving Louisiana more than three 5 star recruits. The most the state's ever had is 2, and I expect it to stay that way (remember that Rivals is trying to sell subscriptions).