2008 Herbie Awards:

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by aztiger, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. buckeye78

    buckeye78 Founding Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    As will I be rooting for LSU to surprise in the SEC (I won't be surprised, but you know what i mean). Until they play us, or a B10 team that is! :thumb:

    There are tons of buckeye fans who are idiots, like any school, but coop's record against scUM, and the recent BCS debacles have taught most of us that you win some and lose some, and that spectre hopefully translates to humility and hard work, instead of being intimidated into making mistakes.
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  2. Robidoux87

    Robidoux87 You call that a double?

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Let me guess, you haven't spent much time in Ohio?

    Still, I would use words like "ignorant" and "violent" over pretentious.
  3. charlie_c0756

    charlie_c0756 Founding Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    "Bring on the Trojans"
    So,,,,,,,,you truly believe that Ohio State has a snowballs chance playing USC at home no less. Half of the guys in my company (some very good friends included) believe it also. This AMAZES me. Any action you'd like to place on this game is INVITED. No Kidding! Support your Team!

    View attachment 11287

    Now you know this is all in good fun, so don't bust a testicle and get upset. I will be happy to admit if I'm wrong. Hmmmm.........
  4. buckeye78

    buckeye78 Founding Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Let me see if I understand this...

    If I say your team sucks, then say just kidding, it's ok? How bout I say that your team couldn't win a high school city division if they were allowed to stay five years (assuming that they don't get arrested and booted from school beforehand), it's ok if I say I'm just kidding?

    Totally hypothetical, but I would just like to clearly define the line between insulting and just having a chuckle. I suppose it depends on how cocky you are, since I don't know you, I suppose that I should give you the benefit of the doubt. Know that I will not hesitate to call you out.

    So have fun posting this year...sure I'll see you around :thumb:
  5. Attack Tiger

    Attack Tiger Reformed Sunshine Pumper

    Jul 17, 2008
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    USC today is not USC of the past. I don't believe Mark Sanchez can be the Heisman hopeful they say he can or that Joe McKnight is the second coming of Bush.

    I DO believe OSU is a year removed from a championship game run with a seriously talented core of players coming back. We'll see...but I'm calling for the "upset" in L.A..
  6. charlie_c0756

    charlie_c0756 Founding Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    As you so elegantly put it,,,,Sure I'll see you around".

    Well,,,,,,here I am after watching the bucks score a total of 3 points against USC. So,,,,,,whatcha got for me now?

    View attachment 11331
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