Most UGA fans want for him to be fired. I have no idea how he is on that list. It is amazing how soft their defense is when you think about their talent on that side of the ball.
And that's why they were preseason #1. GA fans can say they lost 8 left tackles for all I care, but the defense has been more than just disappointing this season for GA. It has been as bad a situation as LSU's. It really has. They luckily have had enough offense to combat the poor defensive effort (see LSU and Kentucky games and maybe Tech today).
A friend of mine played under Ole Miss' DC when he was at Southern Miss a few years ago. He's very high on him...
Miles better move on Chavis quickly if that's who LSU is wanting. With Croom gone and UGA's defense being a huge disappointment, LSU isn't the only one looking to improve its team.
Richt won't fire his DC. Chavis won't go to MSU. But we should be expedient about it anyway. Someone else will get him. Hell Tennessee may keep him. We kept Fisher.
Well, I guess Moo U. needs a head coach first, but you're right, there are a number of teams looking to improve, and in our conference. :geauxtige
Does anyone have any opinions or ideas on what up and coming DC prospects there are from the professional ranks (besides Orgeron). It may be nice to have a list of professinal defensive coaces who could come in and groom our players for the NFL and attract better recruits (especially LB's)? Secondly, what would be Alleva's role in expediting a change in Myle's staff? should he step up behind the scenes? or would that be meddling? After all, he is the AD- the boss of the head coach. What role does the TAF play or should play behind the scenes? I really don't know what typically happens at LSU or other universities.
"Rumor" is that word has already come down for Miles to get rid of the Co-DC's. I'm not positive, but I assume this word came from Alleva with input from TAF.
Lets hope so. But i'd rather have him coming to the conclusion and making the choice, and not having his hand pushed into it.