Prayers for them and their families.;_ylu=X3oDMTZjOWtmcXVpBGEDMTQxMjIwIG5ld3MgbnlwZCBzaG9vdGluZyBicm9va2x5biB0BGFpZANpZC0zNTMxMzQ0BGNjb2RlA2dhBGNwb3MDMQRnA2Q4NjA4N2JkLTk1NmMtMzFjMS04YTk5LTIxYzJhMjU1NjY2OARpbnRsA3VzBGl0YwMwBHBrZ3QDMQRwa2d2AzE2BHBvcwMyBHIDRGFDSlRNQVZTZ3lDUFIzYzE0RStUWGZNblVBPQRzZWMDdGQtZmVhBHNsawN0aXRsZQR0ZXN0AzkwMQ--/RV=1/RE=1420333171/RH=aHNyZC55YWhvby5jb20-/RO=2/RU=aHR0cDovL25ld3MueWFob28uY29tL3BvbGljZS0yLW55Yy1jb3BzLXNob3QtY2FyLWNyaXRpY2FsbHktaW5qdXJlZC0yMTIzMDI3MzIuaHRtbA--/RS=^ADAHso_FMPbebQsC.krWKTrhHsZA1s-
Savage. Solved nothing all while making cops even more paranoid. Way too many families in mourning to be adding even more. I hope even the radicals see this as a stupid act to commit. Folks need to get a grip.
How is this on the mayor? The police and the media started this shit. Unwarranted yes, but let's be real.
Obama's leadership finally got some results. Two dead policemen. Obama, Holder, and all those "activist" have blood on their hands. Not to mention the whacko Mayor of NYC. Totally disgusting.
A cold-blooded murderer is disgusting. You trying to blame this on Obama and other politicians you don't like is more so. Get your head out of your ass.
I didn't say it was "on" him. I said I hope he feels some regret. The media did not have a hand in Deblasio's comments about warning his biracial sons against police officers. He absolutely has a responsibility to set the tone and the discussion after the Garner decision. He's the mayor. He took Giuliani to task saying Rudy never understood the issues i.e. Rudy is white so he couldn't possibly understand. Do young black men have a different experience with cops? Clearly. But as I've pointed out, so do women and anyone else who resists or does not cooperate. Instead of speaking to the difficulties of a cop's job, he went right to race. He has now managed to piss off most all of the NYPD including the fine folks who protect his ass every day. I tend to believe he had issues but his internet social life indicates he had harbored issues with the Ferguson and NY cases and was planning something evil for awhile. The girlfriend may have come first, but she was a sideshow, not the main performance. For a cat who has the best position possible to create productive from a negative, he sure went on to create the opposite.