We last beat Bama when my college freshman was in 5th grade... And...I just rolled into Denton, Texas, to take my daughter to her Delta Gamma initiation brunch. We'll dash out of there to get back to Plano...to get to the high school freshman's awards at the district One Act Play competition. I am DVRing the game and staying off the Internet until early evening.
Won't matter unless you also put on a blindfold and wear noise canceling headphones. But good luck anyway.
Well, I won't be on the radio, either. And I am going to a theatre competition, where I am thinking the participants are not necessarily concerned with college football. My younger daughter is currently looking at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, whose mascot is the fighting Pickles.
Caution! Given the slanted SEC officiating when LSU plays 'Bama we had better be wearing kid gloves when our D-line approaches Tua. The zebras will be looking for targeting with virtually every hit.
What is the Pickles bread and butter play? Do the fans get sour when they lose? I know they wouldn't cheat. It wouldn't be Kosher. Anyway I would relish seeing them play.
Only Hope? Muahahahaha Better do a bunch of downers as you’ll likely croak with a myocardial infarction in the LSU Clemsonesque rout today