Ehhhhhh . . . I don't know. I like the gold hats and britches, man. Maybe they could wear, like, camouflage or Hawaiian shirts or something. With shades and football shoes that look like Chuck Taylors. Yeah, that's the ticket.
I like the classics too... See where I said to replace the purple jerseys they're making us where.. Don't really care for 'em...
Actually, I'm pretty sure that the away team "in this case LSU" gets to dictate the jersey color. I am pretty sure in the past we were only forced to wear purple when the away team wanted to stick to protocol. So that would mean we agreed to wearing purple and were not "made" to.
Maybe they just didn't have the white jerseys ready. They were gonna wear purple anyway, does anyone know if they use new jerseys every game? I know in the last game I saw an equipment guy sewing up Fournette's jersey and it had holes on the sleeves. I can't imagine he would wear the same jersey, but I also can't imagine they have spares either or that guy wouldn't have been sewing his up on the sideline. Anyone know the skinny?
The home team is supposed to wear their colored jerseys but LSU got the NCAA to make an exception as long as the other team doesn't object. That happened back when DiNardo was coach. I don't know if there have Bern any changes in the rule since then. SC was planning on wearing white when the game was to be played in Columbia so LSU would have been wearing purple anyway if the game hadn't been moved. It's not worth bitching about. Just go out and kick some chicken ass.