Reporter from Chicago newspaper said in an article of Tigers blowout win, ‘This wasn’t a game. It was a crusade.’
That’s when LSU football was LSU football. I remember team driving up in the bus. It would stop right by players gate. Charlie Mac would step off first. Team would depart bus. It was total silence.Game faces the entire time. So different now.
We played ND on Nov. 20, 1971, not in 72. I was a freshmen living in Johnston Hall that year. A group I hung with made one of those homecoming style signs with tissues in the chicken wire. It said “ Give Notre Dame a Hand” along with a hand giving the middle finger. We hung it right over the entrance door to the dorm. My Sophomore year I was in Hodges and my Jr. year I was in south stadium (2nd floor right over the visiting team locker room). By far the best room I had on campus. Only problem was on game day they started early and we had to move our cars.
Interesting... the demographics for TigerFan is apparently much older than I thought. In '72, I would have been 3.