I had a thought earlier about how great it would be if The Advocate (or the predecessor) could/would dig up the 1958 championship front page and make a poster out of it. I emailed the marketing guy at The Advocate to suggest this. If anyone else thinks this is a good idea, send him an email: [email protected] Imagine how great it would be to have the old 1958 front page framed next to the 2003 front page.
I sent mine I agree and I emailed him as well. I assured him that I would purchase a copy. Geaux Tigers
My aunt was a secretary in the Sports Dept. at the Advocate during the late 50's into the 60's. In her house she has framed the front sports page for each game LSU played in 1958, along with NC headline page. Really pretty cool to see after all these years. She has been having those frames on her wall for years, I remember looking at them when I was a little kid in the mid 60's.
Double, see if she would be willing to loan it to the Advocate. I got an email back from them saying that they had already thought about it and really want to do it but they can't find one. Maybe they could borrow her's to use as the poster master.
I'll see what I can do but she is most probaly in her eighties by now and I haven't seen her in at least 10 years. I'll have to ask my mom what is going on with her. Call the library at LSU, I think that they have archived many years of the Advocate. When at LSU I did a history paper on some topic (can't remember what it was) and I remember going to the library and looking at past issues of the Advocate.
I just sent my e-mail...that would be awesome to have both hung together. I hope they can make a copy from someone's old paper. :geaux:
Here's the reply to my e-mail: Working on this - if we find anything we'll make it very public - newspaper ads, buttons on 2theadvocate.com, available in my shopping cart, etc. Also, since I'm aware that some of this has shown up on the chat boards I'll try to post to them as soon as I have anything. Charlene Robert I hope it happens!! :geaux: