Should’ve just defended EZ with 8 back. Give em a first and let them kick s FG or run out the clock.
Watch the touchdown back right before the half and stare at their LT.. their line is NEVER set before the snap. It is NEVER called. Once, twice, hell they are making the aTm game look like the paragon of perfect officiating by comparison. I mean, what the hell can you do?
They were counting on that edge pressure that got chipped with flyweight RB. Why leave so much time is my question. Know your enemy.
Disappointing so far. Can we put a team away? O says... Run game should do better in second half, defense is trying to hang on. We need E to win the game.
our co ordinators and orgeron will have to answer for this coaching performance. This is inept and people making as much as aranda should have had 4 safeties in the end zone at the start of the freaking play. with the refs refusing to call holding on UCF and our players playing as stupid as possible . I wouldn't be surprised if we lose this game due to coaching, players, and the refs definitely are getting extra money from somewhere.