Mine are: 1. Tommy Cassanova 2. Charley Mac 3. Bert Jones 4. Pistol Pete Maravich 5. Charles Alexander 6. Dale Brown 7. Shaq 8. Simone Augustus 9. Skip Bertman 10. Laron Landry This was tough because their are so many to choose from but i enjoyed watching these people perform.
1. Billy Cannon 2. Jimmy Taylor 3. Pete Maravich 4. Charley Mac 5. Skip Bertman 6. Bert Jones 7. Shaq 8. Bob Petit 9. Y.A. Tittle 10. Tommy Cassanova
1. Billy Cannon 2. Pistol Pete 3. Skip Bertman 4. Nick Saban 5. Tommy Cassanova 6. Charley Mac 7. Dale Brown 8. Shaq 9. Warren Morris 10. Pat Henry
In no particular order: 1. Pistol Pete 2. Ben McDonald 3. Herb Tyler 4. Kevin Faulk 5. Wendell Davis 6. Touchdown Tommy 7. Shaq 8. Cholly Mac 9. Josh Reed 10. Rydell Melancon
(in no order) Shaq Warren Morris Josh Reed Todd Kinchen Gabe Northern Wally Pontiff Brady James Kevin Faulk Tommy Hodson Brian Kinchen I never got to see people like Pistol and YA so I am sure they were great but I have no reference except what my dad tells me. So these are ones of my generation
1. Billy Cannon 2. Pete Maravich 3. Charlie McClendon 4. Tommy Casanova 5. Shaquille O'Neal 6. Skip Bertman 7. Bob Pettit 8. Y. A. Tittle 9. Dale Brown 10. Glen Dorsey
Since I truly have been following LSU (Middle School to present for me) In no particular order Kevin Faulk Warren Morris Skip Bertman Bradie James Laron Landry Brad Cresse Brandon Bass Simone Augustus Sue Gunter Glen Dorsey and one for good measure April Burkholder (had to throw in a hot gymnest )
Lou tepper Josh Booty Demetrious Hookfin Jarrett Lee Ryan Perrilloux Cecil Collins Marcus Randall Lester Earl Mallery Peveto
1 Chris Jackson 2 Wendell Davis 3 Shaq 4 Josh Reed 5 LaRon Landry 6 Kevin Faulk 7 Skip Bertman 8 Glenn Dorsey 9 Eddie Kennison 10 Corey Webster
no particular order Todd Walker Russ Johnson Wally Pontiff Brad Hawpe Greg Jackson Wendell Davis Jacob Hester Tony Moss LaRon Landry Chris Jackson