#1 recruit Pryor says LSU too late...

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by Fishhead, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    He added UM to his list after the RR to UM thing...in fact, the day OF the RR to UM thing.
  2. sonof504

    sonof504 Founding Member

    Jun 1, 2006
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    A lot think he is really just dragging this out for attention. He has probably had his mind made up for a while now, then again this is a huge choice so he could be taking his time to think it out(I actually believe this to be true)

    It's too bad we didn't go after this man
  3. gely33

    gely33 Here I Stand

    Oct 8, 2007
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    well guys every1 is making some great points. cparso is always giving his common since answers and there pretty much right on. here is the ting with pryor first of all if we decide that we dont have a chance with the number 1 recruit in the country i dont think that we will ever one...thing is how many of you have ever pursued a woman that didnt seem interested in you but after a few tries she came around well thats the approach we maybe should have applied here...this kid is the number 1 prospect in the country he is recruited bye every school in the country of course a few letters or a call from a assitant coach want get him interested somewhere along the way you gotta get committed pin your ears back and go after this kid..if all were ever going to do is hope a kid is interested before we go after him thats ashame... if we had gone after him maybe a national championship would have brought him here.....cparso said that maybe the only reason he said anything was because of the national championship well who gives a crap why he said it...we should have stayed on this kid till the end no matter what.....if u dont try well u never will get anything..
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  4. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    And if you try for pie in the sky, you shall ultimately die. Sorry, started rhyming and couldn't stop. Seriously, we can't go after every top ten national recruit regardless of their geographical situation if they say no to us or we will be much worse off in the long run. Sure, you'll get one out of 100 but you lost out on recruiting all the four stars that you will easily get. Maybe we had a chance at Pryor but it's better to not have lost Hester, Zenon, Beckwith, et al because we went after the top recruits all the time when we had virtually no chance of getting them.

    Having said that, I sincerely hope we will at least put out some feelers to this guy to try to find out what he really meant with that comment.
  5. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    maybe the freshman qb at UM is looking to transfer now.
  6. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    Spend the rest of your life chasing Jessica Alba, and let me know how that turns out for you.

    My guess: a few restraining orders, a lot of photoshopped internet porn, and you alone.

    The point being: It's important to set realistic goals & not waste time on pipe dreams.

    nosce te ipsum, "know thyself".
  7. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Look what happend when Costanza went out with Marisa Tomei.
  8. razer

    razer unregistered offender

    Aug 2, 2005
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    everyone needs to let this go. if Pryor wants to talk to us, he'll call us...I'm sure PJ has Les' number and can pass it on to him. If he would have been even slightly interested in us before, he would have made it known long before a game that was a month before NSD.
  9. Tom Callender

    Tom Callender Founding Member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    This is a what if so please don't anyone get offended... its a new year.. be cool....

    The Paparazzi is interviewing Jessica Alba a month before her wedding to Cash Warren & she says - I always envisioned myself with a older man like CParso but he never contacted (recruited) me. I would go with him but its to late now...

    Now what would he do??? Mmmmmmm, Sit & think about it for a month?
  10. Tom Callender

    Tom Callender Founding Member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    Indeed I do have to much time on my hands... I just couldn't help myself..
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