If I was Romney I would release my tax returns and claim the one million dollars but I have nothing to hide.
It's not generally a smart political move to care what Larry Flynt says. I know you are interested in superficial bullshit and the sensationalist crap you are told to care about, but realy it is about economic policy. It's boring I know and you would rather watch honey boo boo but it's really about policy. Policy. Policy. Not bullshit. Policy. Not citizenship. Not tax returns. It's fucking about policy.
I would def watch Honey boo boo over Mitt talking. No doubt. Why am I going to watch someone lie? FYI I hate that show. I don't remember saying I care what Larry Flynt says or does. I do remember saying if I was Romney I would release my taxes just to claim the million dollars. Hint...that was actually to put money in Romney's pocket (considering he has nothing to hide, of course)
wont even say what tax loopholes he is going to close to pay for the tax cuts for the wealthy. But has said he will increase defense spending 4%