But what of our democracy?
I told you a few pages ago, I think it was this thread, that in order to “save it”, they had to kill it. They see this as a necessary thing.
Ballgame. 2-1 now.
Aaaand they’re in field goal range
Ugh. That was disgusting
3rd & 8 :49
Swinson with a big sack
36-33 LSU 1:12 to go
Nice. Catch.
Lacy didn’t raise the ball and send it to college. Not a catch.
I will be writing a strongly worded letter
that’s because anti-Trump people will believe anything the cia, I mean, the media tells them.
It’s odd how she’s essentially running against herself.
Why hasn’t she just walked down the hall from her office and already started fixing things?
9 wins
But she panders so well
Just read whatever the current cnn headline is on Twitter and you’ll feel like they never left