WR Rueben Randle

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by Tygrr, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. blindside517

    blindside517 Founding Member

    Re: Rueben Randle

    I had already felt good about randle, but with Shep as our new recruiting coordinator, things are really looking good for randle and and a few others.
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  2. ParadiseiNC

    ParadiseiNC don't worry, be happy

    Re: Rueben Randle

    I don't know about you guys, but I am pretty excited about Sheppard. Besides being a top rated athlete, he seems like a natural leader. The statements he is quoted on sort of remind me of Matt Flynn. He seems to really get the big picture, thinks ahead, and wants to have an impact already. I mean, what other recruit do you hear verbalize that he is impressed with the Cox Comm. Center, or directly assists with recruiting by calling and talking with potential stars, etc. Miles is really hitting homeruns early this year and it bodes well for LSUs football future! Whooohooo, as CLM would say. If they nail down Randle, McFarland, and Davenport, in addition to Sheppard, Ford, and Brockers - wow, that right there is an unbelievable group by itself, much less the rest of the 16-20 total class.
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  3. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Re: Rueben Randle

    Mr. Shepard could be a pretty popular dude with us at TF by the time he shows up on campus! Way to geaux Russell !!! :geaux:
  4. ccgw

    ccgw luv'em Tigers

    Re: Rueben Randle

    It's WAHOO! :D
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  5. ParadiseiNC

    ParadiseiNC don't worry, be happy

    Re: Rueben Randle

    I do stand corrected.:hihi:
  6. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Re: Rueben Randle

    Was on campus yesterday and today, visited with Les, and still keeping it close to the vest.

    Still not worried.

    Remember what I said about the U sign and everyone worried after the article came out saying Miami was #1 after his visit.:grin:

  7. blindside517

    blindside517 Founding Member

    Re: Rueben Randle

    Love that sig pic bhelm.
  8. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Re: Rueben Randle

    On Sunday 7/20, Dandy Don wrote:

  9. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Re: Rueben Randle

    Just for the record, I wouldn't put too much stock in his recruiting info. I still read his updates and he gets good info here and there but overall it is lacking.
  10. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Re: Rueben Randle

    Dandy Don is certainly no Sonny Shipp. But one thing that adds to Dandy Don's charm is that tone of his writing doesn't make him seem like he is trying to come across like an authority on LSU recruiting, but rather just a simple, dedicated Tiger fan with a large following that provides his humble opinion.

    I would be curious to know how large of a following Dandy Don has compared to others. I do find Dandy Don to be charming and good asset to Tiger Nation. Also, DandyDon.com has been up since 1998, before Scout.com, Rivals.com, TigerForums.com, or TigerDroppings.com were even created. Back in the day, when you searched the internet for LSU commentary, all you could find was Dandy Don.

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