1. Lets use the most EXTREME examples the left throws out.


    If you had a rape baby and wanted to abort it. Cool. Kill your rape baby. There will be states that let you kill the rape baby. Just dont call it not killing. Using words like viable, defects, etc are just used so one can justify killing the baby.

    And if states want to allow justification to kill your baby then that is the world we live in. Just call it what it is.
    XXL TideFan likes this.
  2. You'll never get a straight answer from the abortion crowd on the basic question, when does it become a human being?
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  3. What if the man decides to identify as a woman the day the woman goes in for an abortion? Then can he have an opinion?
  4. Understand I’m not commenting on the concept of abortion. Roe vs Wade was decided on extremely questionable constitutional grounds. Even pro abortion legal scholars agree on that. Also it doesn’t eliminate a woman’s right to “choose”. It puts it back in the correct arena, the states. It was a legalistic crutch at best. Frankly I don’t understand why rape or incest has to do with whether or not an abortion is justified. Isn’t a life worth the same no matter how it’s conceived???? Also how can someone be forced to give birth to and raise a tremendously damaged child ?
    Tell me how can anyone be prosecuted for having an abortion under every circumstance??
    These are issues that won’t be settled in my lifetime and the simplistic claims made today are shallow and worthless.
  5. when the fetus can survive outside the womb. Doctors say at 24 weeks. We can make it sooner just to be sure. You have an answer.

    Maybe you think it is at conception or the first cell division. Certainly it hasn't developed any characteristics yet at that point though.
  6. If you had a newborn and left it on the street. Does it live or die with no attention?

    Again, you are trying to dance around killing a living being. Just admit it.

    Is it not alive in the womb? Yes

    Is a new born alive as well? Yes

    Would both die with no attention? Yes

    So again, all you and pro abortion people are doing is trying to rationalize killing. You can say:

    Still growing
    Not a person

    None of this changes it is alive and you want it dead. Just be honest with yourself. Once we get to this point, you can explain the morality of why some life is worth more than others and I surely have some talking points on this.
    shane0911 likes this.
  7. Sure it does. It is a living entity at the moment of conception. From that moment on, the entity will begin exhibiting developmental changes that will continue until the point of death, even if that death is 100 years after conception. A zygote is different from an embryo is different from a fetus is different from an infant is different from a toddler is different from a pre-adolescent is different from an adolescent is different from an adult.

    So when does that entity become a human being?
  8. which part of the constitution is that
  9. its not misogynist, men can have babies as well you transphobe. this affects all birthing people
  10. i hope they like it in the butt then