1. You keep defeating your own arguments.
  2. All women have vaginas.
  3. It seems the justices and I share the same understanding of constitutional rights vs that which is to be delegated by the states authority.
  4. Yea kill your kid or not.
  5. Really? I thought you have to “be having a baby” (prenatal). Then “have a baby” (post natal) Before you get to it’s a kid part (children). Crazy me.

    but hey. It’s all kids to you so whatever. You can’t change my view with your misnomers.
  6. Tell you want, go drop a load in your favorite female and wait 15 weeks, kill the living "clump of cells" and hold it when they are done sucking it out. Tell them to drop the "goo" in your hands.

    You tell me how else you would view it.

    This idea that we can just reduce the meaning of words to help your "views" is fucking pathetic. Call it what it is. Own it. You are killing you kid.
    shane0911 and mctiger like this.
  7. Call it whatever you guys want. Fetus, baby, kid, person, non-person, viable, non-viable; its alive and then its killed.
    mctiger and shane0911 like this.
  8. you see how you made all those choices for that to happen? Picture different scenarios where those choices aren't so desired. People who put names on graves really wanted something that didn't happen.

    Go ahead and project yourself on everyone else mister and judge them.
  9. Notice how the rights of the man, whom woman could not have without the man's sperm, are totally left out of the decision. Of course if they have it the man is all of a sudden responsible. Women are given the power of God of life and death.
    XXL TideFan and LSUpride123 like this.
  10. I projected nothing. I made no comment on what should or shouldn't be legal. Not once.

    I simply stated that all everyone is doing is skating around the fact you are killing a living "organism".

    The "words" everyone use is an escape from the reality you are killing what is your child.

    Its the same fucked up logic the left uses about gender these days.

    Just be real with it. Your killing a living baby in the womb. Period.
    shane0911 likes this.