1. Its really simple, when you get pregnant you can move to a state that will allow you to kill your baby. You might be a bigger fucktard than taint was.
    fanatic likes this.
  2. men can get pregnant too, this isnt about women its about pregnant people
  3. Just as I've said.... it has nothing to do with the "baby", itself. It's all about YOU. In your mind, your opposition to abortion has already been registered in the Big Book in the Sky, you've gotten your celestial brownie points... what happens now to the actual baby doesn't matter. Why would you even mention moving to another state as a solution if you ACTUALLY cared about them?
  4. of course it has to do with the baby you want to kill. The baby is the EXACT topic.
    shane0911 likes this.
  5. The shills on the left constantly go to the least probable, most outrageous, negative outcome, ignoring that women evolved to give birth to babies, and most pregnancies are uneventful.
  6. Correct. Some, however, need abortions.
    onceanlsufan likes this.
  7. Just remember: when abortions are illegal pregnancies must be monitored, personal movements must be tracked, miscarriages must be investigated, the system will be abused, some innocent people will be punished.
  8. NO DOUBT ... I would support ALL LEFTIST women getting abortions for all pregnancies. For that matter, let's just cut to the chase and force sterilize the little incompetent bitches from the start! That way they can get back to the only thing they are worth doing, risk FREE.

    They are not fit to be mothers, and their little shit kids end up being just as stupid as they are.
  9. Yeah kinda like the Ministry of Disinformation and the FBI tracking percents who complain at meeting. You are a disgrace to America and manhood.