1. so you dont care about a womans right to choose and have the right to her own body's decisions. is this because you want to kill black babies?
  2. A handmaid's tale: Couched in religious language, after having already defended "God" versus "god", after calling women "cum buckets", he pretends that his opposition to a woman's right to her own body is only about the "baby" that doesn't yet exist, because some friend of his might have a child of her own. And if that child, forced to be born, does not get snatched up by some family in good economic standing, but instead has to live in poverty and danger, well, gee, that's just too bad.
  3. If you ever want me to answer another of your questions you will keep them intelligent and honest.
  4. i see so you dont enjoy random and constant accusations of racism?

    you are a democrat right?

    you do realize that literally every position you take and every policy you favor, they hurt blacks the most?

    right now you are literally advocating to kill black babies and also take away the right of black mothers to their own bodies.
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  5. If a woman gets pregnant and has am abortion against the male’s wishes, no harm no foul.
    If a woman gets pregnant and the guy wants her to get an abortion but she doesn’t, he pays for the next 18+ years. Please tell me about his right to choose.
    Maybe they should choose anal. She won’t get pregnant and he doesn’t have to pay for the baby he doesn’t want.
    shane0911 and onceanlsufan like this.
  6. So ... IYO ... a 21 week old fetus, the one that was born, and lived just fine, was a "non-person" until they were 40 weeks old?
    Winston1 likes this.
  7. Whether or not we have "paper abortions" for men is a different issue from abortions for women. One doesn't necessarily prevent the other.
  8. And when does the man come into the picture? A woman can not get pregnant on her own. If you make a bad choice, how many people should have to pay for your choice. Is it just the baby?
    I don’t believe abortion should be illegal but if you can’t learn for one mistake, don’t ask others to pay for your dumb ass.
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  9. Yea. Men and be women and women can be men. Just self impregnate huh!
  10. What went wrong?
    onceanlsufan likes this.