1. I don't think there's a registry of that.
  2. My bad on spelling. I said I’m a uneducated jack wagon.
  3. Yes I work for a company that works for the government and they knew before I reported that I was vaccinated.
  4. I got vaccinated by choice and not because some ass hat told me too.
  5. there's way, way, too many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. And right to life will make people more proactive in preventing pregnancy. You gotta take responsibility for your actions, including making a human.
    shane0911 likes this.
  6. so you presume to tell a woman what to do with her body?
  7. You waited a long time for that one, I'm impressed by your perseverance
  8. it took asking the guy like 35 times.
    there absolutely is and its on my LA id app on my phone. i have had to show it to, for example, go to a pelicans game. i didnt tell anyone to put it there, it just showed up. the govt knows my vax status there absolutely is a record/registry of it

    also you didnt answer his question, you dodged it by saying you dont think it exists. it does. do you favor the govt having our medical records this way?

    like he said, and you dodged:

    "But you are in favor of them having a vaccination record? Yes or no?"
  9. So you give a woman the power to kill an unborn child whenever she feels like it? So the man without whom there is no child is nothing? Are women God in your world having the power of life and death? Judge, jury and executioner?