1. upload_2022-5-3_15-30-20.jpeg
    BAY0U BENGAL and shane0911 like this.
  2. If the fetus is not viable outside the womb, it is not murder. It is a woman's choice at that point. If the fetus has a birth defect that will limit its life or need extreme medical / supportive care for the rest if its life, it should be up to the parents to bring it into the world. Late term abortions should be medically justified. Maybe that is a little to vague but that is basically the way I see it.

    I have seen the affects of those decisions on an individual, a couple, and a family. The choices weren't easy and they were varied. Can't no politician tell them what they should do. It has no impact on the lawman, it has great impact on the people involved.
    Winston1 likes this.
  3. Ive witnessed more humanity and kindness from “kids with defects” than “normal” people.

    Killing kids because they don’t bake perfect is the same logic we should then be able to use to kill non productive citizens.

    There is zero difference.
    shane0911 likes this.
  4. There's a difference between kids and fetuses.
  5. I can't think of another established right that a US Supreme Court has taken away from people.

    Forcing a woman to carry a fetus she doesn't want is so violative of decency that not even the Bible mandates it. I fully expect that when more decent and honest justices replace the misogynists on the Court that this abomination will be reversed.
  6. That’s not what they said. They left the power to the states. I am 100% certain you will have a state that supports killing your kid.
    shane0911 likes this.
  7. Also. It’s cute you define what a kid is but couldn’t define a woman.
    Jmg, XXL TideFan, kcal and 1 other person like this.
  8. You're not even honest enough to admit that this Court took away a woman's constitutional right to an abortion. Correspondingly, they took away a woman's constitutional right to make her own reproductive decisions. They also took away her right to protect her own health should something go wrong.

    On the bright side I seriously doubt that this ruling will be permanent. Just as with the justices in Plessy v. Ferguson, Alito and his fellow jackasses will go down on the wrong side of history.
  9. Define a woman.